Welcome to the QCC FAQ page where you can find answers to some of the most commonly asked questions about bug sweeping, TSCM and eavesdropping.
If the answer to your question is not on this page please contact us directly for help and advice.
- What should I do if I suspect I may be under surveillance, or have been bugged?
- Where do spies hide bugs?
- What is the best way to contact a competent TSCM (bug sweeping) company?
- What can I expect from a competent TSCM Bug Sweeping Company?
- What can I expect to pay for a professional TSCM counter surveillance inspection?
- How do I determine the scope of areas to be included in a counter espionage inspection?
- How can I implement a TSCM (bug sweeping) or Counter Surveillance Policy?
- How much bugging and unauthorised surveillance occurs?
- I think I have discovered a device (bug): what should I do?
- How long will a counter surveillance inspection take?
- What are the warning signs of bugging or covert surveillance?
- Bug Detector Information