At QCC we have huge experience in delivering Technical Surveillance Countermeasures (TSCM) / Bug Sweeping / Digital Forensics / Mobile Phone Forensics services and solutions on a truly global scale.
Since our formation in 1999 QCC has successfully delivered services or solutions in over 100 countries around the world.
Services we have delivered internationally include:
- TSCM inspections / Bug Sweeping
- TSCM Live Monitoring / Bug Sweeping Live Monitoring
- Cyber TSCM / Cyber Bug Sweeping
- TSCM equipment / Bug Sweeping equipment
- TSCM training / Bug Sweeping Training
- Digital Forensics
- Mobile Phone Forensics
- Red Teaming
Contact us for further advice or view our services page.
QCC have offices in UK, London, Bath / Bristol, Singapore and deliver Technical Surveillance Countermeasures – TSCM / Bug Sweeping / Digital Forensics / Mobile Phone Forensics services and solutions from these locations.
We regularly assist Clients in: Australia: Brisbane, Canberra, Melbourne, Perth, Sydney / Austria: Vienna / Belgium: Brussels / Canada: Ottawa, Toronto, Vancouver / Czech Republic: Prague / Denmark: Copenhagen / Finland: Helsinki / France: Paris / Germany: Berlin, Bonn, Frankfurt, Munich / Gibraltar: Gibraltar / Greece: Athens / Iceland: Reykjavik / Ireland: Dublin / Italy: Milan, Rome / Liechtenstein: Liechtenstein / Luxembourg: Luxembourg / Monaco: Monaco / Netherlands: Amsterdam, The Hague / Norway: Oslo / Poland: Warsaw / Portugal: Lisbon / Qatar: Doho / Saudi Arabia: Riyadh / Singapore / Spain: Madrid / Sweden: Gothenburg, Stockholm / Switzerland: Basel, Bern, Geneva, Zurich / Turkey: Ankara, Istanbul / UK: Bristol, Edinburgh, London, Manchester / Ukraine: Kiev / United Arab Emirates (UAE): Abu Dhabi, Dubai / USA: Chicago, Houston, New York, Palo Alto, Washington.
Some of the other countries we have also assisted Clients in are as follows: